Ask an Artist: Laura Row





I chose this artist, Laura Row, because she primarily sells her art on the platform Etsy. I discovered Etsy a few years back when I was looking for some cute room decorations. Etsy is a website that connects artists (the sellers) to customers who want to buy products they create. Also I absolutely love her work! She went to college for a degree in graphic design and always knew painting and designing were her passions. She said that a fateful trip to Paris inspired her to open a shop on Etsy. I really appreciated her entrepreneurship! I really loved her art that depicted animals with bright and colorful paints. All of her works are very classy, cheerful and positive. The three questions I chose to ask her were, what about your trip to Paris inspired you to take up art seriously again,  does this trip still inspire your work today, and what is the process behind creating one piece of work (how long does it take, what materials are used, thoughts and feelings while creating)? I decided to choose these questions because I want to know how amazing one trip had to be to inspire someone to take the big step and actually create a shop and a brand. Also I would love more insight on the thought process behind an individual pice  of work and how much care and thought is put into it.

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